Friday, October 18, 2013

TLS Cipher Suites in 2013

    Things I learned digging around the RFCs and testing with the ssllabs server test:
    1. SSLv3/TLSv1 ciphers listed in the original specifications with forward secrecy are all DES (very weak) or 3DES (less weak).
    2. AES ciphers for TLSv1 were originally specified in RFC 3268 in 2002, and did not make it into XP's SChannel implementation.  I believe this is why they aren't present in IE8/XP.  If the link is trustworthy, the only ciphers available on IE/XP are RC4 and 3DES, neither of which can be considered excellent choices today.
    3. IE/XP does not truly offer forward secrecy because it doesn't support RSA modes with DHE, only DSS which has a 1024-bit limit; much of the TLS infrastructure has moved to require 2048-bit keys recently as 1024 is no longer considered adequate.
    4. TLS specifications require one mandatory cipher, presumably to ensure minimum interoperability.  In TLSv1.2 (RFC 5246, published in 2008), that cipher is AES128-SHA.  Earlier versions including TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 listed 3DES-SHA.
    5. Camellia cipher suites were defined in RFC 4132 in 2005.  That RFC has been superseded by RFC 5932 in 2010; the latter uses the SHA-2 hash family instead of SHA-1.
    6. Camellia itself is expected to be of similar security to AES; current attacks on AES are better, but it's likely that AES is more widely studied.
    7. SHA-2 hash family MACs were introduced in TLS v1.2.  It is believed that the older MD5/SHA-1 functions are still secure as used in TLS.  To the best of my knowledge, SHA-2 suites are only available when using TLSv1.2.
    8. ECDHE suites are defined RFC 4492, from 2006; including a ClientHello extension to indicate support.
    9. ECDHE is not required (though it is listed) in TLSv1.2, nor is usage of TLSv1.2 a requirement for using ECDHE.  Recent versions of Firefox support ECDHE suites in conjunction with TLSv1.  Older versions—Firefox 21/Fedora 19 for instance—do not.
    10. Some browsers prefer alleged key length over other considerations, and prioritize 3DES with its "168" bit key over AES128.  It's actually designated by NIST as providing 80 bits of security, though it could be providing up to 112 bits.
    11. The default cipher policy provided by AWS Elastic Load Balancers enables only SSLv3/TLSv1 and an extremely limited set of ciphers: AES128 and 256, 3DES, and RC4, with no forward secrecy suites.  (Suites are configurable in the AWS Console, but not cipher preference order, nor some renegotiation options.  Renegotiation settings are implicit in the choice of supporting, or not, the more-recent TLS versions.)

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