Thursday, May 28, 2015

Apache, FastCGI, and the Authorization header

I couldn’t find much about why Apache (up to and including 2.4.x) doesn’t pass the HTTP Authorization header to FastCGI by searching the Internet, so I fished through their source code.

There’s a function that sets up the default variables to pass to CGI programs, called ap_add_common_vars. This function expects that other users on the server can see these variables with ps -e, so to hide usernames and passwords from appearing in there, it specifically avoids passing Authorization through to CGI.

FastCGI uses the same ap_add_common_vars function, and mod_proxy_fcgi doesn’t take any special care to put the Authorization back in for requests that are sent over a socket. Thus, by default, no FastCGI requests will receive usernames and passwords.

The standard workaround is to use mod_rewrite to set an environment flag if the request has authorization. Because nothing unsets the Authorization—ap_add_common_vars simply skips setting a default—that explicitly-set environment variable will be included in the FastCGI request.

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} .
RewriteRule / - [E:HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=%{HTTP:Authorization}]

That’s fine if you’re already using mod_rewrite. Can it be done without that module? I haven’t benchmarked the difference, but mod_setenvif can do it via the rule:

SetEnvIf Authorization (.+) HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1

tl;dr: Authorization isn’t passed to FastCGI because of the default protection from exposing passwords with slow CGI. It can safely be passed to a FastCGI server (requests are sent over a socket, not through world-readable process attributes) but it must be explicitly passed.

Updated 28 Jul 2015: I finally tested the SetEnvIf rule. I also mentioned what Apache line I'm working with.

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